Upcoming Events

-<<~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Events 2021~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>>
July 2021






CWops Mini-CWT Test
Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.


Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.



September 2021
Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.




October 2021
Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.
November 2021
Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.
December 2021
Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.
January 2022

CWOps Monthly Events

Every Wednesday at
1300 – 1400z
1900 – 2000z,
and every Thursday
0300 – 0400z
0700 – 0800z.
SKCC Monthly Events
Attention all SKCC members.
The SKCC projects team has declared that 7114 KHz is now the SKCC
Elmer Frequency. We challenge our Elmers or any member that wants
to help, to monitor that frequency whenever they can.

New CW operators need a safe haven where they can get on the air
and not have to worry about making mistakes. Maybe for that first
CW contact without the stress or fear of worrying about fouling up.
The goal is to take away that fear, because WE DON'T CARE IF YOU MESS UP!
Novice Day - Every Friday 0000z to 2400z is now Novice Day on
7114 KHz. No contest, just a day set aside for the beginners,
the slower ops or anyone that wants to help. The goal is to
congregate our beginners and they can help each other.
SKCC Monthly SKN

SKCC Straight Key Night (SKN) was the clubs first event.
It is NOT a contest. The 1st day of each month is set aside
as a day to get on the air.